What we found on vertical gardens show that many of them are actually very controlled spaces. In our design I think we are going with a more free environment for the plants, I have been thinking about it and designing the structure of the garden, but I have not had a chance to sit down with my group and discuss this since today I have to go to the doctors and will nit make it to class.
This is the begging of the structure that is going to be leaning from the wall on the bigger inner garden. I made it so that it occupied both heights of the building and string enough to hold not only it's own weight but the water and the plants and the minor weight of the person taking care of the plants.
This image is a little more clear on what I am doing. It might not have all the details since the library closed early on Monday and that was the only day I could take the time to go look for the "Details" magazine. I did find I few other things of some metal structures that I based my design a little bit on.
This are a few of the pictures we managed to take before the library closed. The quality is horrible but you can see the structures, which is what is important.
Katixia is designing the skylights based on the design for the front, she is working on SketchUp. Other than that we have to work on the new program, I think Enya is doing that and fixing the the floor plans in auto cad. I think Moshy is helping with one of our... good forgot the name of that thing, anyhow is a few designs for the final presentation, I think, he is either doing that or working on the renderings.