Here we go again, we are going to work in a group again now adding the new ideas that we have all developed on our own. I had to miss class that day, sick (which in my case is sadly a common occurrence) so my group made all the devotions without me. Their conclusion was, Katixia's concept on the interior, Moshy's organization of the space and Enya's inclined roofs, and me I... well I can veto or approve any and all ideas, since I was not here to decide anything else. I think Katixia has done some of the new floor plan, but she has yet to send pictures, maybe she is not done yet.
As from the model, I bought the sticks to make it again since we were off scale on the first one. And that is all I have been told.
We are still on deciding things and organizing things, now that I am here and tend to be obnoxious we will probably have something more conclusive by the end of today... Maybe... Probably.